Command-line interfaceΒΆ

A command-line utility, ascii-phonons is provided in the scripts folder. This program generates a temporary Python 3 script, making use of the vsim2blender module, and calls Blender. The only mandatory argument is a .ascii file containing the crystal structure and phonon mode data.

./scripts/ascii-phonons [OPTARGS] my_crystal.ascii [OPTARGS]

The detailed output is controlled with optional arguments, as outlined below. The list of accepted arguments may also be viewed by calling with the “help” argument -h

./scripts/ascii-phonons -h
Syntax Description
-B PATH, --blender_bin PATH The script will make an educated guess if this is not provided.
-m I, --mode_index The index of the phonon mode to use (counting from 0).
-d X Y Z, --supercell_dimensions X Y Z Make a supercell; three integers X Y Z specify multiples of lattice vectors
-s, --static Output a single static image
-f, --n_frames Number of frames in animation (default 30)
-o PATH/NAME, --output_file PATH/NAME Filename for output. Format specifier (.png, .gif) is appended automatically. If -o is specified, the Blender GUI is not launched unless -g is also specified.
-g, --gui Open full Blender GUI session, even if rendering output.
--gif Create a .gif file using Imagemagick convert. This flag is ignored if no output file is specified.
-v, --vectors Show eigenvectors with static arrows.
--scale_factor X.Y Floating-point scale factor for atom size. 1.0 = covalent radius. It is recommended to reduce this value when visualising with arrows, in order to prevent arrows from being hidden inside atoms.
--vib_magnitude X.Y Floating-point scale factor applied to displacements. The default value of 3 was selected for Cu2ZnSnS4; this may need to be adjusted for different systems.
--arrow_magnitude X.Y Floating-point scale factor applied to arrows created with the -v flag.
--normalise_vectors Rescale arrows such that the maximum for each mode is a fixed length.
--no_box Hide the unit cell bounding box.
--box_position X Y Z Adjust the bounding pox position in the supercell with floating-point multiples X Y Z of the lattice vectors.
--miller X Y Z Miller indices determining camera direction. Negative and fractional values are permitted.

Use Imagemagick to create a tiled array output of all modes. The -m flag is ignored. An animated .gif will be output unless --static is specified. ——————————————

Additional args for montage command e.g. --montage_args='-tile {cols}x{rows}' (Note the use of = and single quotes)
--camera_rot ROT Rotated camera position in degrees.
--zoom X.Y Floating-point zoom adjustment. A sensible starting point is calculated automatically and corresponds to the value 1.0, but this factor can be used for further adjustment.
--config PATH/FILE.conf Path to user configuration file.
--do_mass_weighting Apply mass weighting to atom movements. This has usually already been done in the construction of the .ascii file, and should not be repeated.
--orthographic Use orthographic projection (i.e. no perspective effect)